Log on backmomente.de/selbstgebacken to watch the full Biskuitrolle video.
#selbstgebacken (self-made)
Created 130 years ago, GoodMills is the largest German milling company: it produces flours and cereals under different well-known household brands, such as Aurora, Rosenmehl, Diamant, Goldpuder and Müller’s Mühle. In this commodity driven market, the client’s objective was to ensure long-term fidelity from its customers. That’s where the idea for a Backshow presented by the world champion pastry chef Andrea Schirmaier-Huber arose. Providing masterly advice to the public, she and her co-animator, the nutrition expert and hobby baker Elisa Frey, each month presented a seasonal « classic-cake », easy to re-make at home. Each episode was accompanied by a podcast developing the topic of the day, a teaser video and posts on social media. The campaign continued in stores, where multi-purchase buyers could collect points then register on our microsite in order to receive bakeware items from Kaiser. The result was strong program engagement and users were kept in the brand “loyalty loop”, even after the show ended.

#selbstgebacken (fait maison)
Créée il y a 130 ans, GoodMills est la plus grande meunerie allemande : elle produit des farines et des céréales sous différentes marques bien connues en Allemagne, telles qu'Aurora, Rosenmehl, Diamant, Goldpuder et Müller’s Mühle. Dans ce marché versatile des matières premières, l'objectif de notre client était d'assurer la fidélité à long terme de ses consommateurs. C'est de là qu'est venue l'idée d'une émission présentée par la championne du monde de pâtisserie Andrea Schirmaier-Huber. Grâce à son expertise​​​​​​​, elle et sa co-animatrice, la nutritionniste et pâtissière-amatrice Elisa Frey, nous présentent chaque mois un gâteau « classique» de saison et facile à faire. Chaque épisode était accompagné d'un podcast développant le sujet du jour, d'une vidéo teaser et de posts sur les réseaux sociaux. En magasins, les acheteurs pouvaient cumuler des points, s'inscrire sur notre microsite et ainsi recevoir des articles de pâtisserie de la marque Kaiser. Le résultat de notre campagne fût un fort engagement du public pour notre programme, qui montra que les utilisateurs restèrent fidèles​​​​​​​, même après la fin de l’émission.

Role: Creative/Art Direction, Videos & Photos Production, Branding, Food Styling & Daily Business.
The Backshow
Each new episode appeared on our microsite, where people could also find the full cake recipes, all the podcasts and information about our protagonists. Several links were also leading the viewers to our Newsletter, our posts on Social Media and, last but not least, to our fidelity program in supermarkets. 
Log on backmomente.de/selbstgebacken to watch the full Mini Stollen video.
The podcasts
The podcasts weren't a repetition of what was said in the videos, but where developing some of the topics mentioned in the Backshow, in a more personal way. The listener could that way get to know our protagonists a bit better. 
The fidelity promotion
Millions of stickers were produced for the packs of flour for all the supermarkets in Germany. Each had a unique code and people could collect points over a period of 8 months. A promotion online was also giving a code for free for everyone to use and incite collecting. Additionally, adverts about the on-going fidelity program were running on the main Backmomente.de website.
Branding & Styling
Videos Branding & Graphics 
With the cupcake illustration as given element from Backmomente.de, I developed the branding of the whole show, including intro & ending screens, backing informations, transitions and the advertising visibility of the 4 flour brands. 
Protagonists name
Protagonists name
Cupcake transition
Cupcake transition
Flour brands
Flour brands
Log on backmomente.de/selbstgebacken to watch the full Marmorkuchen and Apfelkuchen videos.
Seasonal adaptations
To emphasize the seasonal atmosphere, some graphic elements were customized, making the episode even more jolly.
Log on backmomente.de/selbstgebacken to watch the full Vanillekipferl and Hefezopf videos.
Set Deco & Cakes Styling
I took the role of the lead Food & Set stylist for the 8 episodes, adapting every time my looks to the seasons and the corresponding german traditions. I paid special attention to the kitchen background decoration, the props in the foreground matching our stories, the neutral tones of the protagonists clothes, and most important: the styling of cakes beauty shots.
I also made sure that the different flour brands were to be seen, appearing naturally, and asked for many close-ups of the flour key scenes.
Log on backmomente.de/selbstgebacken to watch the full Käsekuchen and Muffins videos.
The campaign online
Using the the films cut-downs and the photos of the shooting, I created all the assets for social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube), several sets of banners and headers for the Backmomente.de website.
Behind the scenes
Client: Good Mills Group GmbH
Agency: Scholz & Friends Commerce, Düsseldorf
CD: Hélène Zorzi
Junior AD: Polina Rudik

Production: 2pm, Oberhausen
Period covered: 8 months, from September 2021 to April 2022
Aired on Social Media
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